mishi2x Designs




Woolly Invasion

Campaign for Wool, a nonprofit organization created to spread woolly goodness across these lands, set up shop in Bryant Park last Thursday.  It was such a delight to see sheep hanging out in the middle of NYC.  I'm not exactly sure what kind of journey these sheep had to make in order to get here, but some looked mighty tired.

I was a little worried about these guys.  But I soon realized they were simply staking their claim to the best spot - next to the hay.  As soon as their caretaker came out with a fresh bale of hay, everyone perked up.

And they all gathered round for the feast.  (I wish I got that excited for dried grass.)

Some others seemed more interested in the water.

And some just thought all the pushing and commotion most uncivilized.

After I visited the sheep, I walked over to the Knitty City crew who were giving out free knitting lessons and lending out yarn and needles to those who had time to knit up a square for a charity blanket.  Before I sat down, I noticed the backs of each chair had a lovely Harris Tweed coverlet.

See how wool makes everything so lovely?

For those of you unfamiliar with Bryant Park, it is the park that sits behind the beautiful New York City Library.  In front of the library, facing the east, are the two infamous NYC Library Lions, Patience & Fortitude.  When I left the festivites and walked out of the westside of the park, I was faced with some sheep, no doubt, giving the lions a run for their money.

It was such a treat to have sheep in this big bustling city.  I still dream of the day when sheep can inhabit Sheep's Meadow in Central Park once again.