mishi2x Designs




Serging ahead with Jones & Vandermeer

brought to you by Jones & Vandermeer

Since I've started working in the hand knitting industry, I can honestly say that I have met the most amazing people.  Generous, smart and funny, I feel lucky to have fallen into this world.  Julie Hoover, a designer I work with at Brooklyn Tweed, introduced me to Emily the owner of Jones & Vandermeer.  Julie's worked with some of her amazing yarn, and since they're based in NYC, she thought I should meet her.  Having drooled over her site many times, filling up imaginary online shopping carts with mink, camel and cashmere, I jumped at the chance.  I needed to know the talent behind one of the most well-curated shops of yarn and fabric.

After walking into her office, I was dizzy with beauty.  Emily kept pulling down bins and bins of luscious fibers.  I tried to keep my cool, but that lasted about 37 seconds, and I started pawing everything she laid before us.  It was one of the best mornings I've had in a long time.   Anyway, after the adrenaline subsided, I noticed the racks of beautiful fabric she had as well.  I started staring at the gorgeous Liberty prints, and noticed a lot of Nani Iro, of which I'm a #1 fan. 

It got me thinking - why don't I blog a project with J&V as the sponsor.  I've been playing around with sewing more lately, and I could showcase one of her beautiful fabrics.  

I purchased a serger many many years ago and it was mainly to aid me in hemming pants.  I used it occasionally, but only a few months ago did I take a workshop at my local sewing machine retailer and became better acquainted with my serger.  I think it’s about time it became part of my regular sewing repertoire, and I think National Serger Month is the perfect time. 

Last year, Baby Lock deemed April to be National Serger Month.  Absolutely genius!  They seemed to pick the perfect month to showcase a machine that remains either a mystery or scary to a lot of us.  Once April hits, the temperatures start to rise, and the snow turns to rain.  As the days grow longer, I begin to start dreaming of sewing.  While the heavy wools in my hands begin to feel a little tacky and the once comforting feel of it in my lap starts to morph into uncomfortable itchiness, I start imagining the sewing of pastel quilts, flowy cardigans and linen dresses.

So why not experiment with my serger and blog about it all (mistakes and everything).  I decided on this Japanese sewing pattern from m patterns:


With this beautiful Nani Iro double knit fabric from J&V:


Nope, I don't speak, read or understand Japanese at all.  But because their patterns and instructions are so image-based, I thought it could be fairly doable.  And by the looks of the technical drawing, straight seams seem to dominate the design.  In any case, I'll be depending quite a lot on one of my favorite sites:  Japanese Sewing Books for translation help and general assistance.

I'll be working with my Baby Lock Evolve Serger, which is an 8-thread machine.  (It is the predecessor to their Evolution model, so it's not in production anymore.)  It is complete overkill for me, but I've always liked the idea of growing into a machine, and also having options in case I need them.  (fyi - I haven't ever needed to use 8 threads.)


Anyone care to join in? 

I'll be posting updates periodically throughout April, and want to share any and all trials and tribulations of the process.  Come back soon!  I just love this little powerhouse of a machine, and hope to spread the word!